准尉 A warrant officer is a person in the army, the air force, or the marines who is above the rank of sergeant and below the rank of lieutenant. In the United States Navy, a warrant officer is above the rank of petty officer and below the rank of ensign.
He may issue a warrant authorizing any authorized officer or police officer to enter such premises. 他可出手令,授任何授人或警人入所。
The magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing a police officer, customs officer or immigration officer to search for and seize that thing, and for that purpose to enter any premises specified in the warrant. 裁判官可出手令,授警人、系人或入境事主任搜及取物品,目的入手令所指明的任何所。
A magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer to enter and search the premises. 裁判司则可发出令状,授权获授权人员进入及搜查该楼宇。